Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wed Jan 5 online

well, a whole bunch of tech headaches today, but nothing that interfered with the class. I couldn't access the moodle this morning (from the train) though it worked ok for me later in the day, just slow... but Se Ok couldn't upload her assignment. She sent it to my email, I uploaded for her. But then at end of class, I couldn't get the moodle site to open. I also found my computer slow even on its own tasks, rebooted twice today, so made a point of not uploading any files in class just to make sure I didn't infect anyone else.

class went well enough, although Kyungsook was not there. All three got their lesson plans uploaded to the group chat, and everyone did their first observation task. But they got bogged down in Harmer unit 5 - the Language section. It's really deep, and no fun, "parts of speech" and all that.

we started just about on time, I was 5 minutes late because of rebooting but the three students were waiting. We finished slightly early because of a short break and we were "done" - tired and completed my goals for the evening.

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